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Souvenirs are more than plush toys and magnets. It’s about memories and gifts, meetings and appreciation. Our goal with this catalogue is to give children, adults, Finnish and foreign tourists their favourite souvenir.
Nordic Souvenir, originally named Allan Flink, started in 1939. At that time we sold woven and embroidered badges to tourist facilities in the mountains. In 1985 Peter Zollner bought the company and focused operations to souvenirs. Today we are the largest souvenir company in northern Europe.
Through direct contact with our factories and a large stock, Nordic Souvenir can offer short lead times and the industry’s largest range with over 2000 products in stock. With over 100 employees, we ensure good service and stability.
Our sales staff work throughout the Nordic region. We have offices in Linköping, Järpen, Stockholm and Gothenburg. Our head office is located in Linkoping and the 3000 square meter warehouse is located in Järpen, 30 km from the ski resort of Åre.
We always strive to discover new and exciting products with the best quality. Our own artist Marja, who lives in the idyllic remote part of Norrland, creates our most beautiful motifs. Motifs that you only find in our range.
Today tourists choose destinations with more care than ever before. Lazy days in the sun, in all honor, but today's tourists want to experience something extra. The tourist of today prefers a magic place to tune out and turn on senses, experience unique wonders of nature and be given the opportunity to grow as a person during the trip.
In the same way that tourists spend a lot of energy finding the perfect trip, we at Nordic Souvenir invest our soul in all our products and we are very proud of each individual product.
Behind every magnet, key ring, mug and cap you can find hard work with motif, design, quality, packaging and ethics. We know that you as a customer value to know that the products you sell in your store have not come at someone else's expense. We in the Nordic region are world renowned for our good design and Nordic Souvenir products are always made with selling designs and good quality. The basis of each production is our Code of Conduct, with the help of it, we ensure that all the goods you order from us are justly produced.
A good souvenir brings joy to both buyer and seller, that’s is our key to a successful souvenir.
Nordic Souvenir AB - has developed guidelines for our suppliers in a so-called code of conduct. This is based on the UNCRC and the ILO Convention on working conditions and labor rights . This is because we must be sure that our souvenirs are manufactured under good working conditions.In general, Nordic Souvenir demands on their suppliers to comply with all local laws and behave in a responsible and ethical manner regarding the relationship with the employees, environmental and safety awareness.
Our customers come in all sizes, in diffrent industries and across the northen Europe.Common for our customers is that they show us confidence and return year after year. It’s actually very rare that a customer chooses to notcome back to us. We always try to go the extra mile to help our customers be more successful by choosing the right products and optimize exposure. A win-win situation. We have the products customers demand available in stock and ready to be delivered quickly, that makes us the obvious choice.
HEADOFFICE & SHOWROOM, Gillbergagatan 40, SE-582 73 LINKÖPINGOFFICE, David Bagares gata 3, SE-111 38 STOCKHOLMOFFICE, Kämpegatan 4, SE-411 04 GÖTEBORGWAREHOUSE, Strandvägen 38, SE-837 31 JÄRPEN